ARTISTTasos Dimos

By using light tones the artist annihilates his figures to the borderline of reality and dream. His eye looks deep into the psyche of children and investigates how they use and transform reality, darkness and nature into their play.
Tasos Dimos uses painting as a vehicle to convey images of innocence, lightness, and play.Washes of acrylic paint lay on the surface of the canvas in thin membranes, giving form to the delicate aspect of childhood. Surrounding each figure is a hazy atmosphere that is reminiscent of a dream.This aura supplies the work with a sense of warmth, flooding the space like an inner light or silver lining that dissolves all edges into the surrounding expanse.
The soap bubble, which is a recurring motif, acts as a metaphor for the impermanence of youth.It is seen being blown into the wind, or glistening in thin rays of sunlight. Similarly to its fluid, diaphanous surface, the works themselves are threaded with elusive colors, which swirl in between an otherwise gray-toned ground. The sheer delicacy of the paint handling reminds the viewer of the wonder that can be found when one looks at nature with a keen sensitivity – giving a glimpse into a frozen moment of childlike curiosity before the inevitable transformation into maturity and adulthood.
Tasos Dimos Athens, Greece

By using light tones the artist annihilates his figures to the borderline of reality and dream. His eye looks deep into the psyche of children and investigates how they use and transform reality, darkness and nature into their play.
Tasos Dimos Athens, Greece
Tasos Dimos uses painting as a vehicle to convey images of innocence, lightness, and play.Washes of acrylic paint lay on the surface of the canvas in thin membranes, giving form to the delicate aspect of childhood. Surrounding each figure is a hazy atmosphere that is reminiscent of a dream.This aura supplies the work with a sense of warmth, flooding the space like an inner light or silver lining that dissolves all edges into the surrounding expanse.
The soap bubble, which is a recurring motif, acts as a metaphor for the impermanence of youth.It is seen being blown into the wind, or glistening in thin rays of sunlight. Similarly to its fluid, diaphanous surface, the works themselves are threaded with elusive colors, which swirl in between an otherwise gray-toned ground. The sheer delicacy of the paint handling reminds the viewer of the wonder that can be found when one looks at nature with a keen sensitivity – giving a glimpse into a frozen moment of childlike curiosity before the inevitable transformation into maturity and adulthood.
About Tasos Dimos
Born in Athens in 1960. Lives and works in Athens.A Figurative artist who is inspired by personal relationships. Tasos Dimos uses painting as a vehicle to convey images of innocence, lightness, and play.Washes of acrylic paint lay on the surface of the canvas in thin membranes, giving form to the delicate aspect of childhood. Surrounding each figure is a hazy atmosphere that is reminiscent of a dream.This aura supplies the work with a sense of warmth, flooding the space like an inner light or silver lining that dissolves all edges into the surrounding expanse.
Tasos Dimos was born in Athens in 1960. During the years 1983-1988 he studies at the School of Fine Arts in Athens under the guidance of the famous painters D. Kokkinides, D. Mytaras, B. Dimitreas. He receives scholarships for three consecutive years and graduates with honours. He continues his studies in Hochshule der Kunste in Berlin with a scholarship from Bosch.
Tasos Dimos has made 20 solo and many group exhibitions in Greece, Geneva, New York, Bracels and London. His most recent exhibition is in the Agora Gallery, Chelsey Manhatan, New York, 2014.
His works can be found in many Municipal Galleries in Greece and in numerous private collections in Greece and Cyprus, the USA, Japan, European countries, Saudi Arabia etc.