ARTISTDimitris Korovesis
Painter – Designer – Performer
Art objects and visual proposals
Without a doubt, he cohabitate with many different selves. Most of them share no common interest with each other and refuse to fit inside a unifying yet restrictive title.
He studied graphic design in Doxiadis School and then painting in Rome’s Accademia di Belle Arti.
His professional career includes several years of work in the field of publications
as a graphic designer, as well as in the field of advertising as a creative director.
Additionally, he is the author of thee completely different books
(each one written by one of my different selves..).
His work has been exposed in 7 different individual exhibitions,
2 performances and several group exhibitions.
Overall, He is a lover of the unimportant, a force that leaves nobody unchanged
and a dedicated seeker of unexpected joy.